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  • Writer's pictureBlue Skies Rocketry

Phases of a Model Rocket's Flight

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

The 5 phases of a model rockets flight

The 5 events of a model rockets flight are ignition, boost, coast, apogee, recovery.

1. Ignition

The model rocket motor is ignited and the model rocket clears the pad and starts to accelerate.

2. Boost

The rocket motor propels the rocket into the air and reaches its max speed.

3. Coast

The rocket propellent is all used up and the time delay charge starts burning until it is all used up a set time later.

4. Apogee

After the time delay stops burning the ejection charge is ignited releasing the parachute at the rockets highest point.

5. Recovery

The rocket slowly floats back down (hopefully) to the ground at an optimal 15fps so you can fly it again!

Not all of the time this happens as something can always go wrong. This is what you should be looking for. May your skies be blue!

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